CE-Groundwater, Soil and HSE Pollution lab

 | Post date: 2020/01/11 | 
Groundwater, Soil and HSE Pollution Laboratory
Head: Dr. Taghi Ebadi
Email: tebadiaut.ac.ir

Address: Groundwater, Soil and HSE Pollution Laboratory, Building No. 2, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Hafez Ave., Tehran, Iran

Promote research and research in the fields of soil, groundwater and HSE pollution

Activities in this lab include graduate students' research activities, often involving student projects and dissertations. Due to the availability of new and efficient devices in the laboratory, the conditions for service activities are also available. Several outlines of the soil and groundwater contamination laboratory are shown in following Figure.
Overview of the Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Pollution

Laboratory research activities
  1. Examine the mechanical behavior of soil under various contaminants
  2. Removing groundwater pollution by:
  • Permeable Reaction Barrier Technology (PRB)
  • Bioremediation
  • Superoxidants
  • Electrokinetics
  • Physical and chemical adsorbents
  • Nanomaterials
  1. Eliminate soil contamination by using
  • Washing under the influence of various surfactants
  • Electrokinetics
  • Oxidizers
  • Nanomaterials
  • Bioremediation
  • Thermal methods
  1. Investigation of the interaction of structure and soil at the common levels of different pollutants
  2. Research on GCL and geomembranes including
  • Permeability check
  • Investigation of mechanical properties of substrate, GCL and geomembrane
  1. Investigation of moisture-suction curves in different soils and the effect of different contaminants on these curves
  2. Investigation of changing soil dynamic behavior due to different contaminants
  3. Investigate the mechanical properties of different waste in landfills
Equipment and Devices in the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Lab
Gas chromatography Measuring the concentration of organic compounds in water and soil
Spectrophotometer Determination of water and soil chemical parameters (organic and inorganic) by spectrophotometry
Gas distributer Gas pressure distribution and control
Magnetic stirrer Mixing water and wastewater samples
Water bath Wet heating
Oven Supply temperature for various tests
Automatic saturated hydraulic conductivity measuring device Measurement of Permeability metering with automatic head and fixed head method
Pressure plate Measurement of soil moisture in different suction
Peristaltic pump Pumping flow with a given discharge
Conductivity meter Measurement of electrical conductivity of water
Centrifuge Separation of the liquid phase from the solid phase
Nitrogen Capsule Case application in various experiments
Laboratory precision scales Measuring material weight
ASTM Grading Device For separating materials based on particle size
Full automatic triaxial Measurement of soil resistive parameters
Flow meter Water flow measurement
Lux meter Measuring light in the environment
Sound level meter Measurement of environmental sound level
Due to the availability of advanced analyzers as well as water and soil sample preparation equipment, numerous services are available in the soil and groundwater contamination laboratory.
Other services available

1. Laboratory-scale production of metallic nanoparticles for use in environmental treatment and purification processes and other similar applications
2. Suction measurement in unsaturated and contaminated soils
3. Measuring the permeability of sealing layers such as GCL in the presence of various

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