
 | Post date: 2020/09/12 | 

B.Sc. Course Description Amirkabir University of Technology

  Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Major: Civil Engineering-Civil
Course Title Units Description
Building Drawing 2 Introduction to principles of technical drawings and visualize part views; unknown section views with and without drafting tools; different perspective views (isometric, cavalier, and two points); drawing symbols in building plans and electrical and mechanical plans; drawing instructions; common building plans, foundation plans, and girder layouts; views; section cuts.
Engineering Geology 2 Role and importance of engineering geology in civil engineering projects; planet earth and its internal structure;  geological processes; earth surficial features (bedding planes, folding, faults, fractures, etc.); earth crustal activities (Tectonics. Earthquake); geological materials (rocks and minerals); classification of rocks (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic) and their characteristics; classification of minerals and their characteristics; rock weathering and formation of soils; soil transporting agents (water, wind, glacier, gravity and their related sediments); rock mass characteristics and introduction to rock mass classification for engineering purposes; landslides and effects of geological features on instability of slopes and trenches; geological investigations (desk studies, site investigation, sub-surface explorations)
Statics 3 Force, moment, and equivalent force and free-body diagram; point equilibrium, bodies in plane and space; identification of statistically stable, instable, determinate, and indeterminate structures; analysis of 2D trusses using analytical and drawing methods, introduction to analysis of 3D trusses; internal forces in statistically-determinate structures in plane and space, method of analysis and drawing them; geometric properties of curvatures, planes, volumes (centroid, center of gravity, Golden and Pappus Theories); virtual work theory and its application in solving equilibrium problems; introduction to friction force and its application in statics; cable analysis (cable under point and distributed loads, sagittal and chained cables)
Surveying &practical Surveying 1 2 Theory: Introduction to various branches of surveying; roots of errors and their types, and measurement precision; summary of cartography and their types and standards of maps; introduction to pictorial systems; methods of direct length measurement; aligning; measurement of angles  and determine extension; indirect measurement of length; gauging and triangulating, determine coordinate and summary of upgrade and intersection; tachometry and reading details; types of curves, methods of building simple circular curves, compound curves, inverse curves, transition curves, benefits of circular curves, vertical curves;  introduction to model surveying tools
Field: develop a plan of a relatively flat and limited area with appropriate scale; extraction of section profiles and calculate area and volume from plans; set down plans on ground; measure horizontal angle using repeating method; set down circular curves using consecutive two-part method; set down circular curve using chord method; set down compound curves; set down transition curves
Dynamics 3 Kinematics of matter particles: absolute and relative motion of matter on a straight and curve lines; kinetics of matter particles: Newton’s Law, value of linear motions, motion relationship, dynamic equilibrium, value of angular motion, motion relationships based on radii and tangents, Newton’s gravity law, applications of dynamic equilibrium methods, work, energy, impact and momentum in studies of particle motions; kinematics of rigid bodies: study of rigid bodies in motion in plane and space; kinetics of rigid bodies: magnitude of angular motions in rigid bodies, application of principles of impact and motion field in studies of motion of rigid bodies in space, kinetic energy in space; mechanical vibrations: free and forced vibrations in single degree-of –freedom systems; base motion, introduction to earthquake response spectrum   
Strength of Materials I 3 Topics, general assumptions, elasticity; internal forces and method to determine them and drawing them on linear elements (axial force, shear force, moment, and torsion); stress, strain, stress-strain curve, Hooke’s law, allowable stress, Poisson’s ratio; problems of hyper-static (statistically indeterminate) in axial forces, effects of temperature, linear structures, superposition method; bi-axial stress-strain analysis, pure shear, planar stress, triaxial stress and state of stress, relationship between stress and strain; planar strain; geometric properties of sections, moment of inertia, gyration radius, principle axes, Mohr’s circle; torsion, circular sections, close thin-wall sections, torsion in rectangular sections; flexural stress in beams; shear stress in beams, rectangular sections, circular, I-shape, symmetric about shear axis thin-walled, open thin-walled sections, center of shear; combination of stresses and strains; force deflections, integral method, Macaulay’s method (special functions), superposition methods; hyper-static forces, integral method, Macaulay’s method, superposition methods  
Construction Material and Lab. 2 Theory: Introduction: importance and roles of construction materials in construction; metallic material: structures, strength properties, modulus elasticity, strength corrosion, brittleness, fatigue, other properties of iron, cast iron, steel, copper, zinc, aluminum, and their application in construction industry; wood: production sources and transform methods, physical and mechanical properties, unwanted environmental and chemical effects on woods properties, wood protections,  different applications of wood, types of wood; gypsum: production methods, physical and mechanical properties, different applications; lime: production methods, physical and mechanical properties; mortars: productions and properties of different mortars and their applications; brick and ceramics: raw material and production, classifications of bricks, various properties; cement: production, physical, chemical, and mechanical properties; stone: types of stone, identification of stones, different properties, applications; concrete: methods of production, general properties, application in construction, types of concrete; bituminous materials: methods of production, properties, tests of bituminous materials, applications; isolators: heat and moisture isolators; polymer materials; glass; introduction to chapter 5 of the national building codes
Lab: Conduct different types of tests, study properties of construction material such as brick, gypsum, lime, stone, aggregate, steel tension.
Environmental Engineering 2 Introduction to environmental engineering, major environmental issues, sustainable development, and environmental management; fundamentals of materials balance and contaminant transportation: material balances, reactor types, reactor analyses, reaction kinetics, transport mechanism, mechanism of water movement and pollutants dispersion, and basics of modeling contaminant transportation; aquatic characteristics: the foundations of characteristics of water, water quality criteria, and physiochemical and biological water properties such as oxygen demand (e.g. BOD and COD); surface and ground water quality: river (point sources, non-point sources, and oxygen model), lake and reservoirs (thermal stratification and eutrophication), groundwater (pollutants and salinity), and pollution control methods and types of contaminants for surface and ground water; water treatment: physical treatment (settling, filtration) and chemical treatment (coagulation, flocculation, softening, disinfection); wastewater treatment: physical treatment (sedimentation, sludge thickening), biological treatment including aerobic methods (filtering, biological towers, activated sludge, continuous aeration, aerobic digestion) and anaerobic methods (lagoon and high rate system) and sludge processing (physicochemical and biological); air quality: stationary and mobile sources of air pollution, particulate and gaseous pollutants, emission (atmospheric stability), control (particle and gaseous pollutants), environmental regulations, ozone depletion, acid rain and global warming; solid waste management: municipal solid waste management (production, collection and disposal), solid waste reuse and recycle and sanitary landfills; sustainable development:  introduction to sustainable developments and green building water supply.
Strength of Materials II 3 Advanced topics of beam flexure (bending in asymmetric sections, curved beams, shear center in various beam types, beams on elastic foundation); analysis of 2D stress and strain condition, yield criteria; calculations of beam deflection using 2D integrals, area moment and analysis of statistically-indeterminate beams; energy methods and corresponding theorems; plastic analysis of beams and 2D frames; buckling; torsion (torsion in non-circular sections such as rectangular sections, oval, and multi-cellular, torsion in constraint beams); introduction to analysis of plates and membranes.
Soil Mechanics 3 Soils formation and structure, weight-volume parameters and their relationships; classification of soils: classification criteria and common methods for soil classification (USCS, AASHTO, B.S., etc.) and their application in engineering projects; soil compaction: compaction mechanisms in soils, compaction tests in laboratory, theoretical compaction curve and the effect of compaction energy, field compaction, compaction control in field works; stress in porous media: geostatic stresses, principal stresses and Mohr’s circle, stress paths, stress distribution at depth based on elastic theory, stress distribution beneath different type of foundations, stress contours, Newmark diagrams; water in soil: seepage in soils, Darcy’s law, permeability coefficient and methods for its measurement, mathematical equation for flow of water in soils, flow nets, calculating seepage volume beneath walls and dams; total and effective stresses in saturated soils, elevation/pressure/velocity heads in saturated soils, buoyancy force, seepage force, liquefaction state; soil consolidation: cylinder-spring analogy for soil consolidation and settlement, Terzaghi one-dimensional consolidation equation and its solution, effect of time and time-rate of consolidation, secondary compaction in soft soils, consolidation test and method of determining consolidation coefficient for settlement calculations; shear strength of soils: Mohr-Coulomb Failure criterion, determination of shear strength parameters, description of direct shear, unconfined compression, and tri-axial tests for different drainage conditions, total and effective stress paths for laboratory tests; stability of slopes: instability problem for excavations and embankments, stability of saturated clay slopes, stability of sandy slopes (dry and saturated), different methods for stability analysis and calculating the factor of safety for dry/saturated slopes, and slopes under seepage condition.
Concrete Technology and Lab. 2 Theory: Introduction; cements and different types; aggregate; water; additives; properties of fresh concrete; concrete cast; concrete mix design; concrete cure; properties of hardened concrete, tests of hardened concrete; durability and damage in concrete; different concrete and their uses Lab:perform one laboratory project and study properties of concrete; cement tests; aggregate tests; design and mix of concrete; tests on fresh concrete; tests on hardened concrete; nondestructive tests.
Fluid Mechanics 3 Introduction to fluids and their properties; hydrostatics: pressure, piezometers, hydrostatic forces on surfaces and bodies, buoyancy, stability of submerged and buoyant bodies; basic laws of fluid motion: Lagrangian and Eulerian views, definitions of various flows, conservation of mass, momentum, and energy (Bernoulli’s equation), derivations of the basic laws in differential and integral forms, applications; Dimensional analysis: Buckingham’s Pi-theory, role of dimensional analysis in experimental (laboratory and numerical) fluid mechanics, similitude: applications and techniques, physical models of hydraulic structures; friction in fluid motion: basics of laminar and turbulent flows, derivation of Navier-Stokes equations, friction flow in channels: Chezy equation, friction flow in pipes:  Darcy-Weisbach equation, solution of Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flow in pipes and between plates, turbulent flow; Pipes: Moody diagram and applications, minor losses, piping systems (parallel and series pipes), design of pipes, pumps; boundary layer: concept and properties, solution of laminar and turbulent boundary layers over a plate; fluid forces on objects: lift and drag forces; form and skin-friction drags; separation,
wake, and vortex shedding in friction flow over a cylinder, drag reduction methods.
Soil Mechanics Lab. 1 Sampling and specimen preparation; grain size distribution (sieve -hydrometer); Atterberg's limits; compaction (standard and modified proctor tests); specific gravity (Gs); in-situ field density; California bearing ratio (Cbr); sand equivalent test; direct shear test; unconfined compression test (uniaxial test); tri-axial test; consolidation test; coefficient of permeability; flow network using electrical analogy.
Theory of Structure I 3 Introduction: aspects of structural analysis; classification of structures, their components, and supports; determinacy and stability of structures; analysis of statically determinate structures: beams, frames, and trusses; shear and moment diagrams in determinate beams and frames; elastic deformation of beams, double integration method, moment-area theorems conjugate-beam method; energy methods, internal work and external work, unit-load method, Castigliano's Theorem; Maxwell’s Theorem and Betti’s Law; influence lines for determinate structures: beams, frames, and trusses; analysis of indeterminate structures by the Force Method; method of consistent deformations.
Road Planning & Design 2 History of highways in the world and Iran; route study; principles of routing from map; soil operations; geometric properties of roads; design of horizontal curve; geometric conditions of horizontal curve of road; design of vertical curve; road drainage.
Steel Structures I 3 Components of steel structures, types of steel and steel sections; steel physical behavior: stress-strain, fatigue, brittle fracture, corrosion; design philosophies: ASD, LRFD. design codes; tension members: limit states in tension, net section, shear lag, block shear, brace and gusset design; compression members: limit states in compression; effective length, built-up compression members, bracing design; flexural members: limit states in bending, lateral support; beam design: continuous beams, castellated beams, composite beams, built-up beams; biaxial bending, shear strength, deflection control, concentrated load effects; beam-columns: P-Delta effects and effective length, types of analyses; frame design.
Strength of Material Lab. 1 Various tests are conducted to study strength and behavior of materials and structures. Loading and data acquisition using measurement tools are introduced. Test set-up and boundary conditions in form of simple and rigid supports will be demonstrated. The experiments show various types of stress in materials and structures. In general, this course connects theory
with experiments and presents application aspects of materials and structures. List of experiments: Hook's Law, Cantilever Beam, Maxwell's Law, Torsion, Buckling of Column, Shear Center, Rectangular Frame Displacement, Suspension Bridge, and Tensile Test.
Theory of Structure  II 3 Matrix algebra and linear equation system solution using different methods and their efficiency; analysis of indeterminate structures by stiffness Method: 2D and 3D trusses, 2D and 3D frames; effects of temperature variation, support displacement, support rotation, effect of hinges in structures; flexible method for portal frames; applications of finite element in analysis of membrane structures; slope-deflection method; moment distribution method; nonprismatic members; approximate analysis of structures; influence line for indeterminate structures.
Hydraulics and Lab. 3 Theory: Review of principles of fluid mechanics: concepts, conservations of mass, momentum, and energy; applications of energy equation: specific energy, flow over sill and through contraction, critical flow, control sections, flow through bridge piers, chocking, non-rectangular channels; applications of momentum equation: hydraulic jump, specific momentum, surge in channels; friction flow: uniform flow in channels, Chezy and Manning equations; uniform flow, gradually-varied flow, flow classification, combinations of flows, two-lake problem, numerical method; unsteady flow: derivation of basic equations, solution of Saint-Venant equations, characteristic method, flow in tidal rivers, dam break
Lab: buoyancy forces; metacentric height; pressure center; jet flow and impact; Reynolds experiment; weirs; flow through orifice; reservoir discharge; flow through sluice gate and hydraulic jump; flow over sill; time bowl; losses in pipes; Bernoulli’s theorem; water hammer; pumps; free and forced vortices; sediment transport
Technical English 2 Training on report writing and oral presentation skills for Civil Engineering purpose; write a technical report in a professional and effective manner through drafting and revision; technical presentation, explaining technical information to the general audience.
Engineering Hydrology 2 Introduction to hydrological cycle and hydrological budget equation, water distribution in space and time, solar radiation and the earth energy balance, key hydro-meteorological processes (atmospheric & oceanic circulation); precipitation: types of precipitation, precipitation formation, precipitation graphs and data, precipitation measurements; evaporation and transpiration (evapotranspiration): concept, measurements and estimation, equations; infiltration: concept, measurement, equations/indices; groundwater: concept, hydraulic conductivity, aquifers, well, equations; runoff: watershed, hydrograph, unit hydrograph, flood routing, statistics and probability in hydrology.
Foundation Engineering 3 Site investigation, boring, and soil sampling, in-situ tests, determination of soil parameters based on the in-situ tests results; shallow foundations, types, bearing capacity of shallow foundations under vertical, inclined, and eccentric loads, bearing capacity for foundations on slopes and layered soils with/without effect of ground water surface; foundation settlement, elastic and consolidation settlements, foundations on problematic soils; design of shallow foundations (spread footings, strip foundations, mat foundations) based on rigid method and elastic solutions; retaining walls, flexible retaining elements, lateral earth pressure theories, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressure of pore water, analysis and design of different rigid retaining walls; deep foundations (piles), bearing capacity of piles using static and dynamic methods and in-situ test results, pile settlement, negative skin friction; design of pile groups (bearing capacity and distribution of load among the piles in pile group), design of pile cap.

Foundamental of Earthquake Engineering
3 Introduction to Earthquake Engineering: ground failure, ground shaking, engineering seismology, strong ground motions; dynamics of structures: dynamic response of single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems; equations of motion , free vibration, response to harmonic excitation; response to impulse and arbitrary excitation; earthquake response of linear systems; earthquake response of inelastic systems, dynamic response of multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems; equations of motion , free vibration, damping in structures, dynamic response of linear systems; seismic code: equivalent static analysis, analogy of the Iranian standard 2800 with the national building code of Canada (NBCC), dynamic analysis, irregularities.
Traffic Engineering 2 Traffic operations (driver, pedestrian, vehicle and highway characteristics); traffic engineering studies (speed, flow and density); fundamental principles of traffic flow (macroscopic and microscopic flow characteristics, shock waves and gap acceptance); intersection control (types of controls, signal timing and level of service); capacity and level of service for highway segments (freeways, expressways and two lane rural highways); highway survey and location (highway earthwork and final plans); geometric design of highway facilities (horizontal and vertical curves); highway safety (analysis of accident data, safety plans for highways and intersections, design of guardrail and crash cushions).
  Concrete Structures I 3 Mechanical properties of concrete compressive strength, effects of age, strain rate, multi-axial loading on compressive strength, strain-stress diagram, modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, shrinkage, creep, tensile strength; mechanical properties of steel reinforcement plain and deformed bars, strain-stress diagram, standard rebar sizes, straight, coil rod, and rebar reinforcement; design philosophy design objectives, structural design phases, limit states, ultimate limit states, serviceability limit states, special limit states, design approaches, margin of safety, loading and strength uncertainties, load types, load combinations and load factors, required design strength, design strength, strength reduction factors; flexure: flexural behavior of elastic beams, cracking moment, behavior of a reinforced concrete beam under different stages of loading, analysis assumptions of beams based on strain compatibility, brittle and ductile failures of beams, moment-curvature diagram, design requirements of beams, doubly reinforced beams, flanged beams; shear behavior of elastic beams, tensile stress trajectories in beams, types of cracks in beams, types of shear failures in beams, shear capacity of concrete section, design requirements for shear; bond stress, development length, and cut-off bond stress, bond strength, types of bond failure, development length of bars in tension, development length of bars in compression, standard hooks, splice, cut-off of flexural reinforcement; torsion of elastic beams with circular, rectangular, and thin-walled sections, cracking torsion, threshold torsion, equilibrium and compatibility torsions, truss analogy, design requirements of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, shear and torsion combination, flexure and torsion combination, reinforcement detailing; serviceability limit states, types of cracks in concrete structures, design requirements for controlling crack width, effective moment of inertia, instantaneous deflection, long-term deflection, maximum permissible deflection; axial force, types of columns, nominal strength of columns under axial compression and tension, plastic centroid, design requirements of columns under axial compression.
  Steel Structure Project 1 Plan selection; selection of vertical and lateral force resisting systems; calculations of dead and live loads; preliminary analysis and design; analysis and design using software and comparison with hand calculations; design of structures, connections, foundations, etc.; preparation of scaled design drawings; relationships of a residential building, industrial plants, or a space structure is the subject of the project.
  Steel Structure II 2 Design of plate girders; connections: bolted connections, welded connections; building connections: simple and rigid, beam and column splices; concentric and eccentric braces; column base plates and beam bearing plates; seismic design.

Construction Methods 2 Introduction to primary construction site and site equipment; principles of welding; identifying standard bolts
and rivets; methods of steel frame erections; study of concrete falsework principles; introduction to reinforcing bars plans; introduction to concrete production and transportation to site;  methods of concrete cast; study of methods of concrete curing; introduction to on-site tests; study of methods of estimating strength of structure after construction; introduction to precast construction.
Engineering Economics 2 Introduction (time value of money, and interest rate); methods of economic evaluation of engineering projects (equivalent annual payment, present worth, rate of return, benefit. benefit-to-cost ratio); side topics (depreciation, before/after tax analysis, choice of minimum attractive rate of return, multiple alternatives, sensitivity analysis, retirement and replacement analysis, continuous interest rate); complementary subjects (multi-attribute decision-making; probability in engineering decisions, and Bayesian decision-making).
Title: Environmental Engineering lab
Objectives: Introduction to Water and  Wastewater Analysis
1 Soletions- Water Hardness- Water Alkaliuity- COD- BODS- Turbidity (NTV)- Suspended Solids- Shidge Volune Iudy (SVI)-  Nitrate

Concrete Structures II 3 Short columns ultimate, behavior of columns under axial loads with various eccentricities; interaction diagram; biaxial bending; Bresler’s reciprocal load method; Bresler-Parme’s method; splice details of longitudinal rebar reinforcement; long columns review of buckling theory; effective length factor in sway and non-sway frames; effective length factor of columns in concrete frames; secondary moments; first-order and second-order analyses; slenderness criteria; moment magnification method; slabs types of floor systems, and their advantages and disadvantages; analysis and design of one-way slabs; definition of column and middle strips in two-way slabs; analysis of two-way slabs with direct method and equivalent frame method; limitations of classic analysis methods; punching shear; analysis and design of two-way slabs with finite element programs like safe; shear walls types of structural walls; behavior of short and tall shear walls; types of shear walls; design requirement of shear walls with rectangular section; footings types of footings; soil bearing stress beneath single footings; design requirements of single footings; combined footings; seismic provisions type of lateral load resisting systems; seismic provisions of intermediate and special moment frames; seismic provisions of intermediate and special shear walls.
Transportation Engineering 2 Introduction (role of transportation in society, transportation and urban structure, transportation as a system, and transportation system components); transportation planning process; problem identification and objective setting; definition of study area and zoning; data needs and information gathering in supply and demand of transportation, land use, and socioeconomic variables; transportation demand (trip generation and distribution, mode and path of travel); transportation supply (shortest path, traffic assignment) supply relations; transportation externalities (air and noise pollution); evaluation and decision-making; transportation system management (TSM) country-wide transportation planning; other modes of transportation.
Estimation & Cost & Project 1 Theory: Introduction to types of contracts, bids, contract conditions; introduction to preparation of material list; introduction to relationships between owner, consultant, contractor, and their responsibilities; methods of quantity take-off of various constructions; cost analysis of different construction tasks; methods of take-off transfer to first degree tables;
Lab: student need to calculate an estimate and take off of an actual construction project.
Road Pavement Design 2 Function of pavement and types of pavements (flexible and rigid); technical specifications of different pavement layers; types of asphalt cement (binders), methods of binder grading based on penetration, viscosity and performance grading, classic and advanced binder characterization tests; asphalt technology; different asphalt mixtures, mixture volumetric analysis, marshal mix design; environmental effects on pavement and pavement drainage; elastic analysis of stresses in flexible pavement; traffic quantification and determination of equivalent axle load factors; characterization of unbounded and bounded materials for various layers; design of pavement structures using the asphalt institute and 1993 AASHTO methods; pavement distresses (type, cause and remedy); overview of preventive maintenance methods and rehabilitation; overview of mechanistic design of pavements using the AASHTO mechanistic
empirical pavement design guide
Title: Environmental Engineering lab
Objectives: Introduction to Water and  Wastewater Analysis
1 Soletions- Water Hardness- Water Alkaliuity- COD- BODS- Turbidity (NTV)- Suspended Solids- Shidge Volune Iudy (SVI)-  Nitrate
Industrial wastewater treatmens:
Aims:  Industrial wastewater quality, quantity &  treatments

Introduction-  Industrial wastewater quality-  Industrial wastewater  quantity- flow diagram of   Industrial wastewater treatment plants – Emission Standards for Effluent- Physical Methods ( Screening, Grit chamber, Sedimeutation and Hoatation) – Chemical unit Processes (Chemical Precipition, disintegration)- Biological Unit Processes (AS, TF, RBC, MR)- Advanced Industrial wastewater treatment Plant  (Reuse)

Water and  Wastewater Chemistry & Microbiology
Aims:  Introduction to Water and  Wastewater  Chemistry & Microbiology
  Theory- Introduction- General  Chemistry-  Chemical Equilibrium – Analytical  Chemistry- Physical  Chemistry- -
  Analytical  Chemistry Instrunents (GC- HPLC)- Solution
Persian Literature 3 On authorship and its value; properties of a good text; dictation in Persian; punctuations; taking note in reading; report writing; summary writing; research methods; writing articles; story writing; translation techniques; foreign writers.  
Islamic Thought I 2 Humans and beliefs; concept of God; finding god; monotheism and polytheism; other qualities of god; resurrection and ethernity.  
Rules of Life 2 Professional ethics; accepting critics, teamwork spirit, responsibilities to maintain safety, responsibility in workplace and honesty, environmental ethics; global issues   
  English Language for Engineering 3 The course objective is to reading and understanding of English texts to prepare students to understand technical articles: use of dictionaries and encyclopedias; building vocabulary; topic writing; writing abstract; skimming various texts; introduction and practice of complicated patterns in partially technical texts; understanding and use of academic vocabulary in test up to 3000 vocabulary; simple exercises of equivalent vocabulary and sentence translation to Persian language.
  Analytical History of Early Islam 2 Introduction to history; global status at born of Islam; orientalism; prophets family line; Islam introduction; prophet migration;  study of war and peace; prophet successors; prophet’s death; introduction to life and policies of Imam Ali; study of Imam Hassan’s life; study of Imam Hossein’s life
  Introduction to Constitutional Law 2 Concept of constitutional law and its history in Iran; religious –theory foundations of constitutional law of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI); cultural and social roots of constitutional law of IRI; fundamental role and chapters of constitutional law of IRI; review of constitutional law; comparison among constitutional laws of IRI with others
  Physical Education I 1 The students will learn following concepts by participate in physical exercises: principles of physical training; objectives of physical educations; principles of maintaining health and fitness; introduction to physical education programs; principles of physical and mobility self-test.
  Swimming 1 The course is theory-practice; introductions to the following concepts: personal and social ethics in athletic environments; health and safety in athletic environments; sport relationship with nutrition and weight gain/loss; obesity and its effects; introductions to sport (swimming) law and regulations;
  Human in Islam 2 Fundamental and importance of knowledge of humans; aspects of humans; human perfections; alienations;
  Quran Thematic Interpretation 2 General topics; what type of book Quran is? Methods of understanding Quran; prayer and interpretation of Quran; god in Quran; god and humans relationship; social relationships in Quran; divine traditions in Quran; intuition and thinking in Quran

General Physics I Lab. 1 Study of conditions of equilibrium for forces in plane; measurement of volumetric- mass of solids and liquids; study of vibration movements in simple pendulum;  measurement of water value of calorimeter, measurement of specific heat of solids; measurement of latent heat of water; determination of laten heat of melting ice; determination of volumetric expansion coefficient of liquids; determination of volumetric expansion coefficient of solids; study of thermometers and building thermos-couple; determination of  study of thermometers and building thermos-couple; determination of  thermal conductivity coefficient.
Numerical Analysis 2 Review of the mathematical foundation; physical meaning of derivatives and integrals; Taylor series expansion; definition of matrix and vector: matrix algebra - summation, subtraction and multiplication of matrices; transpose, determinant and rank of a matrix; fundamentals of MATLAB Programming; solving system of linear equations; unique and multiple solutions, trivial and non-trivial solutions, no solution; direct methods - Gauss Elimination method - Gauss Elimination with row pivoting; iterative methods - Jacobi method - Gauss-Seidel method; roots of nonlinear equations; incremental search method; bisection method; Regula Falsi and Secant Methods; Newton-Raphson method; curve fitting and interpolation; polynomial interpolation – Lagrange and Newton’s polynomials; cubic and quadratic spline interpolation; curve fitting by function approximation, least squares fit; numerical differentiation, finite difference methods – forward, backward and central difference formulae, derivatives for noisy data, finding absolute extrema on a closed interval; numerical integration: Euler, Trapezoidal, Simpson and Gaussian quadrature schemes; solution of ordinary differential equations: initial value problems, Euler’s explicit method, Modified Euler’s method, Midpoint method, Runge-Kutta methods (2nd, 3rd and 4th order methods), Modified Euler’s predictor-corrector method; solution of ordinary differential equations: boundary-value problems, shooting Method, finite-difference method
General Mathematics I 3 Cartesian and polar coordinate; complex numbers and manipulations; geometric representation of complex number; polar representation of complex numbers; single variable calculus; basic concepts of single variable function, continuous, discontinuous and piecewise continuous functions; periodic, odd and even functions, algebraic functions; transcendental functions and its graphical representations; trigonometric functions and their inverse; differential calculus, differential calculus, limits and continuity, interpretation of a derivative, geometric interpretation, the use of a table of different type derivatives, higher order derivatives, tangents and normals, approximation of a function at a particular point by Taylor's and Maclaurin's series, maximum and minimum values of a function, the first derivative test, the second derivative test, point of inflexion and its applications in engineering.
General Mathematics II 3 Parametric equations; 3D coordination; vectors in space and types of vector multiplication; 3x3 matrices, linear three-unknown equation systems, matrix inversion, solving equation system, linear independence, base in R2 and R3, linear transformation, 3x3 matrix determinant, Eigen value and Eigen vectors;  linear systems, plane and two-degree equations; vector functions and their derivatives, speed and acceleration, curvature and normal vector on curve; multi-variable functions, total and partial derivatives, tangent planes and normal lines, chain rules for partial derivatives, total differential; double and triple integral and their application in geometric and physical problems, integration by substitution (without precise proof) cylindrical and spherical coordinate; scalar and vector field, line integral, surface integral, divergence, Laplace, potentials of Green’s theorems and divergence and stokes
General Physics I 3 Equilibrium, conditions of equilibrium under forces and moments, corresponding principles; Motion in 1D and 2D, speed and acceleration, types of motion, earth motion and gravity; work and energy: intro., work, energy, kinetic energy, potential elastic energy, dissipated energy, internal work, internal potential energy, power and speed; impact, the law of preservation of momentum; temperature; heat, first law of thermodynamics,  zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature measurement; gases kinetic theory, complete gasses, transferable kinetic energy, mean free path, degree of freedom, molar specific heat; entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, one-way reactions, change in entropy.
Fortran Programming 3 Principles of programming, computer and its types, numbers and pointers, binary numbers, data processing, hardware and software, compiler program, library files; methods of programing, steps of create and develop program, algorithm, flowcharts, progress and classifications of programming languages; Fortran programing to learn: operands, keywords, IDs, types of data and their sizes, types of variables, constants and variables, mathematical expressions, input/output expression, conditional expressions, repeating, arrays, global and local, and assistant memories subroutines, create some computer programs
Differential Equations 3 Properties of differential equations and their solutions; curve families and normal paths; separable equations; linear one-degree differential equations, homogeneous equations; linear two-degree equations, homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, indeterminate multiplier methods, parameter substitution method; applications of two-degree equations in physics and mechanics; differential equation solutions using series, Bessel and Gamma functions; Legendre multinomial; introduction to systems of differential equations; Laplace transformation and its application in differential equation solutions

Engineering Probability & Statics 3 Part I: Probability Theory: Introduction to probability, properties of probability, counting techniques: combination and permutation, conditional probability, independent events, Bayes’ theorem; discrete distributions, discrete random variables, mathematical expectation, moment generating functions, binomial distribution, geometric distribution, Poisson distribution; continuous distributions, continuous data: histograms and percentiles, continuous random variables, uniform, exponential, gamma, beta, and chi-square distributions, normal and lognormal distributions, extreme-value distributions; bivariate distributions, correlation coefficient, conditional distributions, distributions of two continuous random variables, bivariate normal distributions; distributions of functions of random variables, functions of one random variable, transformations of two random variables, several independent random variables, random functions associated with normal distribution, central limit theorem, Monte Carlo simulation.
Part II: Statistics; estimation, point estimation, confidence intervals for one mean, confidence intervals for two means, confidence intervals for variances, confidence intervals for proportions, confidence intervals for percentiles, sample size, simple linear regression; hypothesis testing, tests for proportions, tests for one mean; tests of equality of two means, tests for variances, analysis of variance; goodness-of-fit tests, chi-square tests, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; Bayesian methods, subjective probability, Bayesian estimation.

Computer application in civil engineering
Scope: Introduction to modelling, analysis and design of structural elements and components using computer
  1. Introducing of public software for design of structure, foundation and their ability
  2. Modelling, analysis and design of foundations
  3. Modelling, analysis and design of coupling beams and spandrels
  4. Modelling, analysis and design of shear walls
  5. Modelling, analysis and design of composite, one way and two way slabs
  6. Analysis and design of development length
  7. Modelling, analysis and design of masonry structures
  8. Modelling, analysis and design of connections
  9. Preparation of executive drawings using software
  10. Modelling, analysis and design of slender and non-slender columns
  11. Linear and nonlinear analysis using software
  12. Linear and nonlinear analysis using software

Introduction to simulation
Introduction to computer modelling and simulation in civil engineering
  1. Simulating and data analysis for solving of problems
  2. Continuum  method in simulating
  3. Mesoscale, atomic scale and quantum scale in simulating
  4. Methods of simulation of physics, mechanics, metallurgy and biologic science 
  5. Modelling and simulating of complex structures

Earthquake-Resistant Masonry Structures
Introduction to seismic performance of masonry structures that are designed / not designed against earthquake, Methods for design and repair of masonry structures.
Prerequisites:  Earthquake Engineering Principles, Steel Structures 2, Concrete Structures 2
2 1-Introduction to masonry buildings, applications, Pros and Cons
2- Seismic performance of Masonry structures
3-Masonry buildings and structural systems
4- Architectural and structural ideas for earthquake-resistant masonry buildings
5- Masonry slabs
6- Introductions to boundary conditions in earthquake-resistant masonry buildings
7- Earthquake- resistant walls
8- Reinforced masonry walls
9-Reinforced masonry buildings
10- Repair and rehabilitation of masonry buildings after earthquake

Civil Engineering Training
  Students spend 300 hours in a construction project to acquire professional relations, personal requirements, ethical obligations for engineering practice and experience, and view of how projects progress. Orientation to professional practice through the designers' and the contractors' relationships to society, specific clients, their professions, and other collaborators in environmental design and construction fields. Legal registration of engineers and architects. Subprofessional and professional services

  Introduces the concept of dead and live loads in buildings and how to calculate those loads in compliance with codes. Other loads such as wind, earthquake and dynamic loads in buildings are introduces and discussed.
Engineering Economy
  Time value of money concepts required to perform economic analysis on proposed engineering alternatives are introduced. Amortization rate and period, interest rate and feasibility study of projects are also taught.

Earth Dam   This course presents fundamental principles underlying the design and construction of earth and rock-fill dams. The general principles presented herein are also applicable to the design and construction of earth levees. The objective of this course is to present guidance on the design, construction, and performance monitoring of and modifications to embankment dams. The design and construction of earth and rock-fill dams are complex because of the nature of the varying foundation conditions and range of properties of the materials available for use in the embankment.

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